Your business’s reputation is a vitally important asset. It can take years to build, yet it can be destroyed almost overnight. If your organisation is the victim of defamation, we will act quickly to limit the damage and advise you on obtaining compensation.

Fast action and decisive advice

Defamation, written or spoken words that are potentially damaging, can spread rapidly in the age of online connectivity and social media. As soon as you contact us, we will act fast to stop this spread as fast as possible.

As a commercially-focused law firm, we know how hard businesses work to build up a good reputation and how vital that is to success. We have wide experience of helping clients protect their reputations, manage their reputation in the face of difficulties and bring defamation claims.

We’ll provide decisive, commercial advice, ensuring that you understand your options and the strengths of your position. Right from the start we will be open and honest with you about your chances of success, and if your case has weaknesses, we will identify these and work with you to manage the situation and limit the damage.

We will negotiate hard on your behalf to try and obtain a satisfactory settlement. Alternatively, if court action is needed, we will make sure you have the strongest case and best representation possible. Our litigators are excellent, City-calibre lawyers, with in-depth experience of defamation and a good reputation of achieving successful outcomes.

How defamation arises

Defamatory statements are either libel or slander, meaning written or spoken publication of statements that can cause serious harm to a reputation. A business may be the victim of this from a disgruntled consumer, employee, protestor or someone it has a commercial relationship with, such as a supplier. It could also come from a competitor.

In examining your case, we would look at whether there is any possible defence to the defamation under defamation laws. If the defendant can show that the statements are true, this is a defence. The defendant may also be able to claim that their statement was an honestly held opinion or that the publication of the statement was in the public interest.

A statement that constitutes defamation will be a statement that is untrue, exaggerated or distributed in a way that is intentionally misleading. It will also be damaging to your reputation or that of your business, lowering it in people’s estimation.

If the reputational damage causes financial loss or may cause financial loss in the future, then you can make a claim for compensation.

How we will protect your reputation

Our first actions will be to prevent any further spread of the defamation by restricting publication and requesting the removal of any defamatory statements from websites. We can also advise on media liaison and how to manage your reputation going forward.

Once the immediate spread has been stemmed, we will discuss your options with you and decide how to proceed. You may wish to demand a retraction of the statement and an apology along with monetary compensation. We can negotiate this on your behalf.

In the event that you wish to sue for defamation and bring court action against the offender, we will act on your behalf to ensure your claim is robust and clear. Our claim for damages could include loss of earnings and compensation for opportunities that may have been lost.

Contact us

If your organisation has been targeted by defamation, it is crucial that you get legal help straight away to help protect your reputation and wider commercial relationships. We suggest that you speak to one of our expert lawyers about how to limit the damage, claim compensation and manage your reputation. Call Alka Kharbanda on +44 (0) 1494 478 611 or, email at

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