Property disputes can be frustrating, stressful and time-consuming. We understand that you want to get the matter sorted quickly and cost-effectively. To do that, you need a firm legal hand to make sure your interests are recognised and protected, even when you’re looking for a swift resolution.

A leading property litigation team

Our property dispute solicitors are known across the region for our thorough, strategic and pragmatic approach. We are experts in all kinds of landlord and tenant disagreements, as well as boundary disputes, party walls, parking and driveway disputes, excessive noise disputes and land registry issues. You can rest assured that no matter is too complicated or too trivial for our dispute solicitors. We will fully investigate your situation and ask the right questions to build a strong case in your favour. If we can take the stress out of your hands, we know we’ve done our job properly.

At Blaser Mills Law, we pride ourselves on being approachable and straight-talking. We will always explain the legalities of your circumstances in plain English, so you know exactly where you stand. Property litigation is about protecting your home and your rights, and it is crucial that you know how the outcome will affect you now and in the future. For that reason, we’ll constantly review your risks and let you know the outcomes you can expect as the situation unfolds, so you can confidently decide how you want to proceed.

Pragmatic landlord and tenant disputes

Landlord and tenant disputes are stressful. When you feel as though your home, your assets or your rights are at risk, getting legal help is vital to make sure you resolve matters fairly.

Often, a landlord and tenant dispute arises because one party has breached their contract. There are a number of processes set in stone that you can follow when this happens, such as possession proceedings if a tenant isn’t paying rent on time. However, contracts can contain grey areas that make other matters more difficult to resolve. For example, landlords should expect fair wear and tear, but it is important to distinguish between that and damage. The landlord also needs to have proof of the damage and the costs of repair, which is why tenants can often dispute the amount their landlord is charging for repairs.

If you are facing a tenant or landlord dispute, it helps to have a legal expert on your side to give you clear steps to protect your interests. Every communication with the other party can affect your dispute, and we will help you tackle the matter sensibly and cost-effectively.

Tackling a wide range of property disputes

Our property litigation solicitors have experience and expertise in successfully handling all kinds of ownership disputes. Whether you want to resolve a boundary dispute with a neighbour, contest a service charge or go through a lease enfranchisement to extend your lease, we have the expertise to help. We can also tackle the most complicated matters, such as dealing with land registry, clarifying the enforceability of a covenant and resolving agricultural and farming land disputes, which involve specific rules and significant implications for the future.

Removing tenants

For many of our clients, an immediate challenge and sought-after outcome is removing tenants from their properties. In some cases, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can help both parties come to an agreement without involving the courts, and we can represent you during negotiations. However, these situations often involve getting a possession order from the court. To achieve this outcome, landlords usually need to prove that there has been a breach of covenant, which can involve violations such as failing to pay rent, sub-letting or carrying out unauthorised alterations. But in some cases, tenants simply won’t move out voluntarily, and you need legal help to manage the next steps.

Our litigation solicitors have advised both tenants and landlords through court proceedings and repossession orders. Whichever side you are on, we will help you form a strong case with robust evidence for cross-examination, and we will support you through the entire process to get the best result possible.

Contact us for advice

For advice from our expert private litigation team on your situation, call us on +44 (0) 20 3814 2020, send an email to or fill in our contact form.

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