Making a Will is an essential part of financial planning. It can help you structure your estate efficiently, support your loved ones and ensure they benefit from tax exemptions. It’s also an important opportunity to ensure your family understands your wishes, helping to avoid disagreements in the future.

A tailored Will writing service

At Blaser Mills Law we work collaboratively with our clients to create a plan for the future that is tailored to their individual requirements. We know that making a Will is an important moment, so we’ll ensure you clearly understand the process and the implications of any decisions you make.

We like to meet with clients in our offices or at their homes to take instructions, so that we can ensure we understand their unique concerns. Our Wills, trusts and probate solicitors will draw on their in-depth experience to create the right Will for you and your loved ones – ensuring it delivers on your wishes after you are gone.

Why make a Will?

If you die without making a Will, your estate will pass under the terms of the intestacy rules to close family members, in a strictly prescribed order and in precise sums. This may not be what you would choose, and it can cause resentment and ill-feeling if some people are excluded. For example, step-children or unmarried partners would not inherit anything.

Making a Will with the support of an expert ensures your wishes and financial requirements are taken into account, giving you peace of mind that your family and loved ones will be provided for in the future. You also have the opportunity to structure your estate in a way that protects your assets as far as possible from Inheritance Tax and other claims.

Choosing your executor

When you write a Will, you can decide who you would like to carry out the administration of your estate after you die. This can be a difficult task and it is important that those who are called upon to be an executor are both willing and capable.

Estate administration involves the collecting in and valuing of all of the deceased’s assets, clearing and sale of property, calculation and payment of tax and other debts, preparation of estate accounts and distribution of the estate. If you feel there isn’t anyone who could take on this role for you, we can appoint a professional executor to act on your behalf.

Appointing a guardian

Within your Will you can appoint a guardian or guardians for your children who are aged below 18, or who are adults but unable to manage their own affairs. We can also help you to set up a trust alongside your Will to provide for your children’s financial needs and to look after funds until they reach the age at which they are to inherit them.

Wills with overseas assets

Any assets held overseas must be carefully considered in estate and tax planning. Other jurisdictions have their own rules concerning the passing on of property and other assets. If you have international connections and assets, we can help you ensure that the whole of your estate, wherever it is held, is passed on to your beneficiaries exactly as you’d like.

Find out more

If you’re ready to start considering your Will, you can contact us by calling on +44 (0) 1494 781 362, emailing at or filling in our contact form.

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