Retail and leisure lawyers for the hospitality sector.

Acting for 5* hotels and some of the UK’s most recognised hotel chains as well as prominent high street retail brands, we have in-depth experience helping businesses navigate change and take a more strategic approach to law.

When your industry is defined by rapid innovation, shifting consumer behaviours and disruptive market entrants, having the right legal team in place is a commercial priority. We have the experience, expertise and insight to help you succeed.


The retail and leisure lawyers at Blaser Mills Law know that the law is only one part of the equation. Retail businesses and hotels operate in a hyper-competitive commercial landscape and an increasingly complex regulatory environment.

In this situation, businesses don’t need another level of complication added to their daily activities. They need legal services that help them work towards their goals strategically rather than draining time and resources. That is why Blaser Mills Law has had success across the retail, hotel and leisure and hospitality industry. We understand what you need and how best we can use our specialist knowledge and skills to help you reach your commercial goals. The rapid changes the sector has seen have created a range of new challenges for businesses, but have also presented some exciting new opportunities for growth and development. It is our role to help businesses reduce risk, achieve full compliance and position themselves for long-term success.

An excellent team, with an outstanding client list. Blaser Mills has a very good track record in the area.


The services we regularly offer for the hospitality sector include:

Understanding the challenges of a changing sector

Things have changed fast for our retail, hotel, hospitality and leisure clients in the last two decades, as the way that consumers interact with brands has shifted online. New market entrants have disrupted established business practices and showed the value of innovation and creative thinking.

For retail businesses navigating the ongoing growth of online and a shift in strategy towards a more experiential way of operating, there are a number of evolving challenges to contend with. Many retailers are reducing their physical footprint and expanding their online presence, creating the need for legal expertise that spans data protection, employment, commercial property and corporate governance. We are helping retailers across the UK adapt and thrive in a changing commercial environment.

Like the retail sector, the hotel industry is crowded, fragmented and highly competitive. The increased role of digital in the booking process has led to the entrance of travel intermediaries and a range of specialist and boutique operators. Technological innovation is changing consumer expectations, while the UK’s exit from the EU is contributing to the industry’s shortage of skilled labour and high staff turnover. We offer a full range of legal and strategic support for hotels to help them maximise their value, protect their assets and evolve their offering.

Complete strategic legal advice for the retail and leisure sector

Across the retail and leisure sectors, businesses are looking to tear up the rule book and shake things up. Being able to adapt and thrive in a new environment requires having confidence in your ability to operate. That is where the leading retail and leisure lawyers at Blaser Mills Law can add value to every part of your business. We work as part of your team, so you can focus on running your business.

Our multi-disciplinary approach allows us to create tailored teams for each of our clients based on their needs and goals. By utilising the whole of the Blaser Mills Law firm rather than a single team, you can be sure you will always have quick access to the expertise you need. Our commercial property teams can help you manage your national and international property portfolios, our commercial teams can advise on and draft commercial contracts for suppliers and distributors while our corporate team can provide clear guidance on employment related issues.

Ensuring full compliance and operational effectiveness

One example of the large-scale changes that retail and hotel businesses have had to adapt to is GDPR, which came into force on 25th May 2018. The regulation seeks to reflect the seismic changes to the way consumers, companies and other organisations create, store and share the vast amounts of data created through online activity.

GDPR compliance has emerged as a major priority for any business that holds personal information about its customers. In particular our retail and hotel clients need to be sure they understand their obligations and have the right internal processes in place. Our IT, security and data protection team can advise you on how to achieve full compliance, as well as deal with any issues that do arise. We offer a full range of services from data flow and gap analysis and drafting technical contracts and terms and conditions, as well as data sharing agreements and responding to requests from regulators.

Talk to us today

Our retail and leisure lawyers can help you take advantage of the opportunities of this fast-moving industry. Our team provides a full-service and can advise on all issues relating to commercial property, contractual arrangements, litigation, intellectual property and employment and HR. Contact a member of our team today by calling us on +44 (0) 203 814 2020, sending an email to or filling in our contact form.