We are city calibre lawyers with the experience and ability to successfully resolve high-value, complex, commercial disputes often perceived as the preserve of the largest firms, but at a more proportionate cost. We offer a variety of financial solutions to cover the cost of pursuing your dispute. 

Alternative Fee Arrangements

We know that some clients want to consider alternative funding options other than the traditional ‘hourly rate’ billing model and often, for us to take a share in the risk of the dispute. We have experience in ‘conditional fee’ and ‘damages based’ fee models and would be happy to discuss options that may suit your case. 

Litigation Funding

We are well connected with the key litigation funders in the UK and are experienced in preparing applications for litigation funding.  

After the Event Insurance (ATE Insurance)

ATE Insurance is a specific insurance policy that can be obtained after a dispute has arisen. These policies generally provide cover for adverse legal costs and disbursements (e.g. barristers’ fees), in the event a claim is unsuccessful. We can advise on whether ATE Insurance is appropriate for you. We are experienced in making ATE Insurance applications and have connections with the key providers of insurance in this area. 

Work Highlights & Experience

Excalibur v Texas Keystone & Others [2013] EWHC 2767 (Comm)

$1.65 billion Commercial Court claim for a 30% share of 4 Kurdish oilfields allegedly the subject of a joint venture between Excalibur and Gulf Keystone.

Breach of Directors’ duties claim against AIM listed oil and gas company.

Shareholder dispute for Edwardian Hotel Group Limited

Unfair prejudice claim for minority shareholders in gold trading company.

Representation of Labour Party in various high profile disputes and regulatory investigations.

$25 million investment treaty arbitration for oil and gas client against Eastern European State.

LLP dispute for AI driven hedge fund.

Arbitration relating to repudiatory breach claim against private equity owner of a number of shopping centres.

Unfair prejudice claim for minority shareholder in gold trading company.

Acted for Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited in obtaining a rare injunction from the English courts in respect of an ICC arbitration brought against it in New York in relation to a contract dispute over oil assets valued at more than US$1.5 billion.

$12 million LCIA arbitration against major listed oil and gas company

LCIA Arbitration relating to ballast water treatment plant.

Bank A v Bank B
Confidential dispute relating to failure to execute Swiss Franc stop loss orders when Swiss Central Bank removed Euro currency peg.

Fund Management Group v Seed Investor
Confidential dispute between fund management group and their seed investor as to whether a revenue sharing payment hurdle has been met.

Aim Listed Oil and Gas Company v Former Corporate Finance Advisers/CEO
Confidential claim against former corporate finance advisers of AIM listed oil company for breach of corporate finance advisory agreement and claim against former CEO for breach of directors’ duties and service agreement in relation to his part in the matter. Internal investigation carried out.

Raiffeisen Bank v RBS [2010] EWHC 1392 Comm
Advised Austrian bank RZB in fraudulent misrepresentation claim against RBS in relation to RBS’ role as syndicate manager for a syndicated loan for Enron in which RZB parti

Defending claims alleging misstatements in bond listing prospectus.

Market abuse and Insider Dealing investigation into share dealing in AIM companies by two individuals
FSA investigation into alleged market abuse and insider trading by authorised person and client. Complicated fact pattern where authorised person approached AIM listed company and procured an offer of shares at a deep discount to the prevailing market price before selling short to major market participant in advance of (unknown) resignation of key non-executive director.

Market abuse and Insider Dealing investigation into share dealing in AIM companies by two individuals/FINMA Request for Information
FCA investigation into alleged market abuse and insider trading by shadow director of AIM company. Co-ordinating strategy between London and Swiss legal teams resisting FINMA request for information and assistance on behalf of FCA.

£50 million dispute with HMRC in relation to recovery of unpaid capital allowances on failed bio-ethanol project.

R (on the application of Cartref Care Homes Limited & Others) v HMRC [2019] EWHC 3382 (Admin)
Judicial review into the loan charge introduced by Finance Act (No.2) Act 2017 on the grounds that it was in breach of s. 4 HRA 1998 constituting a disproportionate interference with the taxpayer’s rights under Article 1 Protocol 1 to the ECHR to
the peaceful enjoyment of their possessi

Successful multimillion pound settlement against Big Four Accountancy Firm relating to negligent tax advice on disposal of a group of properties.

R (on the application of Derry) (Respondent) v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Appellant) [2019] UKSC 19
Supreme Court ruling in favour of the taxpayer confirming that the taxpayer had correctly included his carry-back loss relief claims in the prior year’s tax return and that HMRC had failed to challenge the claim correctly, by failing to open an s.9A TMA 1970 enquiry into the return, within the statutory time limit.

W Resources plc v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 746 (18 December 2018)
Successful appeal against VAT deregistration and refusal of input tax recovery claim, on grounds that a holding company making, or intending to make, supplies for a consideration to its subsidiaries necessarily carried on an economic activity for the purposes of VAT.

Tremendous knowledge and experience…always available and responds to challenges in a calm, decisive and unphased manner.


Nick Scott is an extremely good litigation strategist, has an agile mind and is supremely adept in batting away opponent solicitors’ correspondence.


The team is rated for its “excellent response times, industry-specific knowledge and commercial attitude”

Legal 500 recommended lawyer
Legal 500 top tier

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