Medical negligence solicitors with a strong track record

Medical negligence can lead to life-changing consequences. Doctors, nurses and therapists all have a duty of care, and if you suffer injury, illness or worsened symptoms from an existing condition as a result of the treatment you’ve received, you have a right to seek compensation. Our nationally recognised medical negligence solicitors know what it takes to get compensation for all kinds of cases, they can achieve a resolution that allows you to move forward with your life.

Honesty, clarity and expertise 

If you’ve been a victim of medical negligence and you’re suffering from a new condition or worsened symptoms as a result of a medical professional’s advice or treatment, the last thing you want is the additional burden and stress of seeking redress. That is why the experienced team at Blaser Mills Law is here to take care of the entire process for you, working on a no win no fee basis so you can concentrate on moving forward. You can count on us to support you throughout your medical negligence case. A nominated highly-qualified and specialist litigation lawyer will act as your dedicated point of contact to conduct your claim, answer your questions and give you a clear picture of the next steps. 

At Blaser Mills Law, we believe it is important our clients know exactly where they stand. You can expect us to be honest and straight-talking with you. We’ll discuss your likely outcomes and make it clear what we believe you will achieve. We’ll always talk to you in plain English, ensuring you understand your options so you can decide how you wish to proceed.

We’ve taken many clients through the medical negligence claims process and we’re experts in building a strong case. We know it takes a thorough approach, so we’ll work meticulously to understand every aspect of your situation and gather vital evidence. We also understand what you have been through is personal, and we’ll make sure you always feel comfortable by ensuring we are approachable and your case is handled in a sympathetic way. 

Understanding medical negligence

Medical negligence arises when you receive poor quality medical advice or treatment that leads to you having a new injury or condition or experiencing worse symptoms from an existing condition as a result. You may have been misdiagnosed, been given the wrong treatment, received poor advice or suffered more than you should have following an operation. If your condition or symptoms are the result of negligent advice or poorly executed treatment, then you may be entitled to claim.

Types of medical negligence cases 

  • Hospital negligence and GP negligence
  • Medical misdiagnosis, including cancer misdiagnosis, stroke misdiagnosis and sepsis misdiagnosis
  • Diabetes negligence
  • Pregnancy and gynaecology claims, including birth injury
  • Dental negligence
  • Amputation negligence
  • Surgery compensation, including the result of cosmetic surgery
  • Defective medical devices
  • Fatal medical negligence claims and inquests

Time limits for a negligence claim

To receive compensation for medical negligence, you need to start a claim within three years of realising you had received substandard medical care. Sometimes you will know immediately, but in some cases the problem may not be apparent straight away. It may be some time after you had the treatment or appointments that you realise that you may have been a victim of medical negligence, but it is vital you contact us as soon as possible to be in with the best chance of success. 

How to claim for medical negligence

To succeed with a claim, we will need to prove that you’ve received poor quality treatment or advice and it has caused you to suffer as a result. There are three elements to this:

Breach of duty – this requires us to show the medical professional breached their legal duty of care to you. This can be by proving carelessness, mistake or misjudgement or by demonstrating that other medical professionals would have taken a different approach which would have avoided harming you. 

Causation – a breach of the duty of care does not, on its own, mean you win your case. It is necessary to prove the care or treatment you received has caused your injury or illness (or caused it to worsen) 

Damage – lastly, we need to show that the negligent advice or treatment has resulted in actual harm to you or that it has changed your life in some way. 

Our award-winning specialist solicitors are highly experienced in building and winning medical negligence cases. We will help you make sense of the process and take you through the steps of gathering evidence and proving the medical care you received has affected your way of life. 

Compensation for medical negligence

The amount of compensation you could be rewarded depends on your circumstances and the effect that the negligence has had on you and your life. It may include loss of earnings, the cost of rehabilitation, treatment and care as well as numerous other expenses and costs. We have also helped families gain compensation after losing a loved one following poor treatment and misdiagnosis, which may be used to cover funeral costs or wellbeing support. 

Contact us

By working closely with a solicitor, you can confidently proceed with a medical negligence claim. If you would like to discuss your situation with one of our experts, call Victoria Harvey on +44 (0) 1494 478 672, send an email to or fill in our contact form.

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