Plot sales lawyers for property and land development.

Plot sales are technical transactions that require specialist legal expertise. We offer a tailored service for small landowners, building contractors and regional and national housing developers.

Our specialist plot sales lawyers will guide you through your transaction, bringing a commercial focus and a deep understanding of the land development process.

Expert advice and commercial insight at every step

Plot sales are one step in a long and often complex land development process. We help our clients at every step, ensuring minimal disruption by using our decades of experience and insight to anticipate challenges and mitigate risks. The expert team at Blaser Mills Law has the specialist knowledge and skills you need to make your project a success, protect your assets and maximise the value of your plot sales.

We can provide support on commercial, mixed-use and residential property plot sales, including Shared Ownership, Help to Buy and outright sales. The strategic and legal guidance we provide also covers site assembly, setting up a management company for common areas, dealing with estate management, providing restriction certificates and approval of plans at the Land Registry.

Understanding the plot sales process

Our experience means we can provide a full service to our landowner and developer clients. We will prepare your legal documents so that you have everything you need for the first plot sale. We know how to optimise the process and make sure it aligns closely with your commercial and strategic goals. A typical plot sales transaction has a number of potential challenges and causes for delay at every step, and our specialist lawyers will ensure they don’t become a significant issue.

Our due diligence expertise

A large part of our role is the title review to ensure the land is suitable for the proposed development, that there are adequate rights of way and that there are not any indications of potential issues in the future. If you are developing leasehold properties, we will draft appropriate leases and contracts for individual buyers, as well as produce title and contract packs for each party. Everything we do is fully compliant with the requirements of the Consumer Code for Homebuilders and the NHBC.

The practice is rated for its “excellent response times, industry-specific knowledge and commercial attitude.


Speak to our specialist team today

We can help you with every aspect of the transaction, as well as any other matters relating to real estate and land development. To speak to one of our plot sales lawyers, contact Louise Benning on +44 (0) 1923 725 017, email at or fill in our contact form.

How can we help you?

Speak to one of our experts today